Dundalk Railway Station

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    • #706067

      On the subject of railways Paul, and having the extreme privilige of using Ireland’s finest train station on a daily basis, Dundalk Station, just a point.

      On this site, its stated that the station was built in the 1850s, and this ties in with the development of the GNR, as it does with the blown (rather than plate) glass windows in the station and also an old keystone lieing on the platform that came from somewhere, with 1848 carved into it.
      However, a newspaper artical in it’s museum, dating from 1890, describes ‘the new station just opened’, and goes on about the new ticket office, the footbridge, the waiting rooms etc, and the positioning of the station, 1/4 mile away from the old station.

      Considering the cast iron columns are identical to those of the DART platform at Connolly, dating from the 1890s, I’m very confused…

    • #725118
      Paul Clerkin

      Hmmmm there used to be another station in Dundalk as well so that could be the new station… as any books I have clearly say 1850 which ties in with the styles of the other stations on the line…



      I imagine they copied the original columns when building the extra platforms outside Connolly.

    • #725119
      Rory W

      Speaking of Dundalk station, does anyone know if there was a spur from Dundalk down the Cooley penninsular as I was up that direction and saw what seems to have been evidence of a rail line which is very mutch disused – cant find any info on the web – any ideas anyone?

    • #725120
      Paul Clerkin

      i think this is the line that used to run alongside the carpark of the old shopping centre in Dundalk…

      Dundalk, Newry and Greenore Railway

      The project was originally conceived of in the 1860’s by the Dundalk and Enniskillen as a link between it and the LNWR (from whence the change of name of the DER to the INWR), via a sea route from Greenore to Holyhead. LNWR support was obtained and a nominally independent company was set up in 1863. Little progress was made due to a lack of funding and the collapse of the constituent company involved in the Newry-Greenore section in 1867. Subsequently the LNWR provided new capital and its control increased. In 1868 the LNWR Secretary assumed a similar role in the DNGR and its Head Office moved to Euston. Construction proceeded and a public service began on 1/5/1873. The company owned an hotel at Greenore, managements of which was taken over by the GNRI in 1932. Partition in 1922 adversely affected a company running 26 miles of railway in two jurisdictions. On 1/11/1932 the GNR and LMS assumed joint working of the DNGR. At Dundalk, Quay St. became a halt and most traffic was transferred to Barrack St., while at Newry, Bridge St. also became a halt and certain traffic was moved to Edward St.. On 1/7/1933 even closer working of the entire DNGR, including the hotel at Greenore, was taken on by the GNR. This led to the transfer of a considerable part of the DNGR stock to the NCC. During the war three of the surviving 5 locos were lent to the NCC. The last public service was on 31/12/1951, but a short stretch of line in Dundalk, connecting the GNR at Windmill Road Junction with Georges Quay, continued to be worked by the GNR. Final rolling stock comprised 5 saddle tank locos (only No.2 Greenore was in service to the end), a petrol railcar and 10 passenger carriages. It was considered preserving loco No.1 Macrory but only a 6 wheel composite coach was finally saved and is now in the UTFM. All loco nameplates were preserved. Despite the closure of the railway, the company continued to exist for more than five years.

    • #725121
      Paul Clerkin

      The Dundalk, Newry & Greenore Railway was built by the English LNWR to join
      the port of Greenore with the main Dublin – Belfast line and so promote
      ferry traffic ‘twixt England & Ireland. The first part of the 26 mile (42 K)
      line was opened in 1873 and was built on a grand scale, standard (5′ 3″)
      gauge and twin track. In Dundalk the line crossed the main Dublin – Belfast
      line at the (in)famous Square crossing where there was a fatal accident soon
      after opening. In 1876 the line was completed as far as Newry.

      With the partition of Ireland in 1921 the DN & GR found itself straddling
      the border, further increasing it’s difficulties. All would be partners had
      pulled out of the venture and the LNWR had not only to finance the entire
      line but also the cross channel ferries! This substantial investment was not
      repaid as traffic never came up to expectations. The LMS (successors to the
      LNWR) at last managed to rid themselves of the line in 1933 to the GNR(I)
      and it eventually closed in 1952.

      The line runs around the periphery of the Cooley penninsula which is the
      start of a truly beautiful and rugged region. Cooley is named for the
      legendary Celtic warrior Cu Chullain (pronounced coo-hullan) of whom more
      anon. From Dundalk (south) to Greenore the line runs along Dundalk bay
      through some pretty but not spectacular country.

      From Greenore the line runs a short distance to Carlingford
      From Carlingford the line ran beside the sea and here we must tarry again.

    • #725122

      The original Dundalk station, opened in 1849 (concurrent with the line from Drogheda (Newfoundwell) and that to Castleblayney. This station was located at the Square crossing in Dundalk, about ¼ mile south of the present station, which opened in 1893.

    • #725123
      Paul Clerkin

      Hmmm must write to a few book publishers so and that also would mean it wasnt McNeill who designed Clarke Station………

      The square crossing is where the line to Greenore crossed the Dublin line afaik, so the old station was down near the old railway works so.

    • #725124

      Noooo!!!! I was always facinated by the fact that Dundalk had such an early Victorian structure, now my perspective on the station has changed completly!! Now that you mention the old station, about a 1/4 oof a mile outside the current is a long brick, and much overgrown platform, close to the impressive, but sadly neglected GNR engineering works.

      Still, the present station it is still spectacular, and, surprisingly for Ireland, is genuinly appriciated by it’s long suffering commuters/users. It has the best facilities in the country as well, beautiful & immaculatly kept toilets, large cafe, and a snazzy ticket office. All original windows are intact and restored (interestinly, the old first class waiting room has plate glass windows, while all others are comprised of cheaper multi-pane, wavy blown glass). The brickwork is beautiful, the cast iron canopy spectacular (no corrugated plastic here), and interestingly, one of the first examples of the use of concrete in the country in the form of the platforms surfaces, which are still intact.

      They certainly planned ahead with this station considering it’s scale, and is a joy to use, over a century later.

    • #725125

      Which is more than can be said for the trains…

    • #725126

      Sorry to destroy the image! Just to confirm, I ccnsulted the standard reference works over the weekend and the original station was built to serve both the line from Drogheda and that to Castleblayney (the latter a curve to the west of the present Dublin – Belfast line). Opened in 1849, it was closed in 1893 and replaced by the present station which is one of the few examples of Irish Rail takings its built heritage seriously.

    • #725127
      Rory W

      Thanks for the info on the Greenore Railway Paul – it all makes sense now

    • #725128
      David Chambers

      It is interesting that this contributor mentions the cast iron columns at Dundalk (Clark) station. These columns are Manisty columns, produced by Manisty’s Foundry in Dundalk. These columns, together with brackets of the same style were a standard element of GNR(I) station architecture. It is well noted that these columns are the same as on platform 5 in Dublin Connolly (and in Howth). There was also a canopy with these columns on platforms 6 and 7 until CIÉ decided to erect a hideous canopy with “A” frame shaped members around 1983. In photographs of GNR(I) stations these columns are a consistent feature of same. Omagh, Banbridge, Clones and Goraghwood to name a few had these columns, interestingly set out on a regular grid pattern. On the platform of Dundalk station is the preserved Dundalk Central signal cabin (minus its brick base -why?) with its lever frame. A plate on one of the levers
      reads “…Manisty’s siding”.

      One feature of Dundalk Clark which fascinates me is the polychrome brick. This station was one of the many buildings designed for the Great Northern Railway (Ireland) by its chief civil engineer/architect, William Hamiliton Mills.

    • #725129

      As far as I’m aware the signal cabin was originally located somewhere else, it was lifted to this position by a massive crane a few years ago – it has a brick base at the moment – but its somewhat twee, built of reclaimed bricks and not laid in a Victorian manner.

      I never knew the DART platforms 6 & 7 had an original canopy – I can’t belive this was removed – please say you’re mistaken David!

      I always thought this was a modern platform, and that a mirrior image of the original should have been built for the DART to reinforce the ‘Victorianness’ of the station – and now you say there was one there originally!
      What a terrible shame this was lost.

      A facinating feature of the cast-iron columns is the integration of water-downpipes into them, every second column is connected to the guttering of the canopy (this really shows how much time I’m waiting on bloody trains)
      This feature is also in Dundalk.
      I’m concerned that when the original canopy platform at Connolly is raised to standard level, it will consume the bases of the columns, the tracks cannot be excavated as is typical because the 6&7 platform across from it was built to standard level in 83.

      The Dundalk brickwork is fantastic, its like a big jigsaw puzzle with its moulded corner bricks and overdoor shapes. And the bricks are designed to fit exactly over the moulded granite window sills. And the many chimnneys crown everything off beautifully.

      Its interesting that the Victorians were never too fond of their own architecture – countless comments from the period ridicule and criticise new public buildings. The previously mentioned newspaper piece from 1893 in the museum of the station also gets in a few digs at its design, deeming the brickwork to be somewhat vulgar – although concedes that on a sunny day and with all of the paint still fresh the station is ‘almost pretty’!

      It praises the new toilets – a novelty indeed for their time – as being ‘fitted out in particularly fine style’. Even today they are elegant with original cut granite parapets on the walls of the cubicles.
      Its a pity the first class waiting room’s interior was lost – very 50s now, something of a period piece itself.

    • #725130
      David Chambers

      Regarding the canopy with Manisty columns on platforms 6 and 7 in Dublin Connolly, there are some photos in railway books. Check out books by the author Michael H. C. Baker. In shots of Connolly Station, the original canopy can be seen. The fact that it co-existed with diesel trains proves that it was removed in 1983. Belturbet Station in Co. Cavan (http://www.belturbet-station.com) has Manisty brackets in the same style as the columns. These can be seen supporting the canopy at the entrance to the station building. Also of interest is Laytown station which has a footbridge of this style and most likely produced by Manisty. Manisty’s Foundry also produced footbridges for other companies. In Banteer there is a footbridge similar in style to the Hornby model railway footbridge. Banteer was on the GS&WR system.

      If you look at the base of the Manisty columns in Dundalk Clark station the name “Manisty” is visible.

      In June Iarnród Éireann lodged a planning application to remove five bays from the canopy on platform 5 in Connolly and re-erect same on the southbound platform in Dún Laoghaire. This is part of the DASH uprading work. The application may be viewed at the Dublin City Council office in Wood Quay. It has a report from building conservationists.

      I hope the above is of interest.

    • #725131

      What! Essentially they’re relocating part of it?
      The whole charm of this platform is its expanse – the length of the structure sweeping into the distance – cutting 5 bays of it will reduce it to nothing at Connolly – whatever about Dun Laoghaire benifitting.

      E Manisty presumably also built the bridge at Rush & Lusk as well then – its exactly the same – it was used in a period scene in Michael Collins.
      Laytown suffered a nasty fire over the summer hopefully it will be restored. It has no roof now – just scorched chimney stacks exposed to the elements.
      Thanks for info about 6 & 7.

      All of the 80s green paint must be removed off platform 5’s brickwork, this was a particularly nasty cheap and cheerful solution for dirty buildings in the 20th century.

    • #725132
      David Chambers

      Having viewed the proposed alteration to platform 5 at Dublin Connolly, it is possible to made a statement or objection to this development. A fee of €20 must be paid with this to the planning authority.

      As a matter of interest do you know much about GNR(I) architecture, such as W. H. Mills’ polychrome brick? It was used on stations as geographically far flung as Bundoran and Howth, Belfast Great Victoria Street trainshed and Carrickmacross. At the moment I have opted to do a project in university on Irish railway architecture (and tram/bus architecture). I would welcome any new information that you may have on this.

    • #725133

      What a facinating subject.
      Whereas I know pretty much all of the GNR line between Pearse and Dundalk like the back of my hand – I have little to no new information that isn’t otherwise available about people and developments behind it all.

      I’ve always been hooked on 18th and 19th century architecture, and also railway design which is facinating – hence I could date and describe most of the stations but know little about their developers.

      Drogheda station is quite unusual in its design – rather a more English form of architecture than the other stations – its use of brown stock bricks in the Victorian age is almost peculiar, and its ironwork is very clean cut, esp the pillars which are unadorned.
      It has a very untypical well-finished ticket hall inside which would appear to be early 20th century.

      The yellow/red/purple polychrome brickwork is of course used at Malahide, indeed its an almost carbon copy of Dundalk.
      There’s also a small office or signal box just outside Connolly on its eastern side which is constructed of the exact same brickwork, presumably also built in the 1890s, and is most notable considering its minute size and secondary location – imagine IR going to such effort and expense today for such a small structure.

      Rush and Lusk also has quality red brickwork – dressed with yellow – unfortunately however it has been painted over.

    • #725134
      David Chambers

      I have some information about the GNR(I) main line which may be of interest to you.

      In the 1950’s the GNR(I)/ GNR(B) had made provision for quadrupling between East Wall Junction and Howth Junction. This is apparent from two bridges built at this time, Collins Avenue and Brookwood Avenue bridges which are south of Killester and Harmonstown stations respectively. I have a copy of a Dublin Corporation drainage drawing which includes Collins Avenue overbridge. In this drawing there are two “ghost” tracks on either side of the double track which are marked “space for future track”. It will be noted that Brookwood Avenue bridge is not filled on on either side of the track; the cutting continues under the bridge.

      North of Clontarf Road station there is a GNR(I)polychrome building on the Up side of the line. This is adjacent to Clontarf station which closed on 09. September 1956. I understand that this station had platforms built of sleepers, along the lines of Adelaide station near Belfast. This building was the residence of the station master for Amiens Street/ Connolly Station. The gate piers for this station can still be spotted on either side of the line. I understand that Clontarf station opened in 1895. It appears that GNR(I) polychrome brick buildings were built between 1880 and 1905. Buildings associated with the Hill of Howth tramline were also of this style. There is a photograph in the Fry Model Railway Museum in Malahide of the overbridge which used to cross the road outside Howth railway station. This photo credits W.H.Mills as being the engineer of the bridge.

      It’s great to discuss railway architecture. I find that many railway enthusiasts get hung up on nuts and bolts issues about trains (Haynes manual talk) or the intricacies of timetables rather appreciating railway architecture and civil engineering.

    • #725135

      What does the original Clontarf Rd station look like? Where exactly is it?
      I always thought it wierd that a Victorian suburb like Clontarf should have such a nasty modern stainless steel station like it has now – the fact you say there was an original makes sense now!
      I probably know the building you’re referring to, just can’t place it.

      Surprising some forsight was shown by GNR in the 50s for expansion, the very time when the likes of the Harcourt St line were closing.

      Is there any of Howth Junction’s station left either – I can only note the footbridge as being original, looks most bizarre in the midst of the 80s DART rubbish!

      I love the brick viaducts coming into Connolly and the junction with the Drumcondra line where they meet, and the useless tracts of land they trap in between them and the houses!
      Theres a fantastic map/sketch from the 1850s of all of Dublin showing the lines coming into the city, with no housing at all around them, just crossing empty fields – no Loop Line either.

    • #725136
      David Chambers

      What Howth Junction and Clontarf stations looked like before DART are based on what I have read and seen in railway books and photos and what I have learned from talking with other people.

      The layout of Howth Junction was the same pre-DART as today. However on the Dublin bound Howth branch platform there was a standard GNR(I) waiting shelter as can be seen at Laytown and Malahide. There was a signal cabin just where the tracks diverge, the same as was at East Wall Junction and Knockmore Junction. The latter junction is where Antrim line branches off and until the 1950’s the Banbridge line branched off the Belfast line. The signal cabin was not the standard GNR(I) design but of brown brick with courses of Staffordshire blue brick. This was demolished after a female “squatter” was using the cabin to entertain her “guests” following its closure in 1982 or 83. There were also two cottages in the “V” between the Howth and Belfast lines.

      Clontarf station (and not Clontarf Road, the station that opened on 01. September 1997) was a halt with two platforms constructed from timber sleepers. I imagine that there may have been a standard waiting shelter here. In a photo dated 1898 there is a signal cabin on the Up (Dublin bound) side of the line, just north of the Howth Road overbridge. It was located a few hundred metres north of the present Clontarf Road station, next to the polychrome brick station master’s residence. Based on what I have heard from my father and late grandfather facilities were very basic. The 1898 photo is from the Seán Kennedy collection. It might be worth contacting the Irish Railway Record Society to get a copy of this photo. I will add that from East Wall Road bridge to Clontarf Road “Skew Bridge” was once a causeway, like across the Broadmeadow Estuary, north of Malahide.

      It is difficult to describe in a few words what things were like. It might be worth checking out some railway books such as the IRRS journals and books by the author Michael H. C. Baker.

    • #725137

      Originally posted by Graham Hickey
      What does the original Clontarf Rd station look like? Where exactly is it?

      No trace remains. It was north of the existing station. Looking on the right hand side of the line as you head north, there is a red brick house immediately after the 2nd road bridge out of the present station. This was the residence for the stationmaster at Amiens Street Station (Connolly). Clontarf station was one or other side of this road underbridge. It only had wooden platforms.

    • #725138
      David Chambers

      Clontarf station, which closed in 1956 was on the same side of the Howth Road underbridge as the red brick station master’s residence. Again the gate piers for access to the station are still in-situ beside the footpath. There are are signals, one on either side of the tracks which are on the site of the platforms. If you look closely on the Down side there are a couple of concrete stumps on the site of the platform.

    • #725139
      David Chambers

      Regarding what Clontarf station (the GNR(I) halt once accessed from the Howth Road), may I suggest a book which has photos of other GNR(I) halts which were carbon copies of Clontarf. “Along UTA Lines- Ulster’s rail network in the network in the 1960’s” by Ian McLarnon Sinclair, published by Colourpoint http://www.colourpoint.co.uk has some photos of interest. Study the photos of Adelaide, Dunmurry and Derriaghy, especially Derriaghy. The common features of these stations (platforms, picket fencing, waiting shelters and lamp standards with cast iron nameplates were what existed at Clontarf. I am sure of this as having shown these photos to my father, he confirmed that Clontarf was similar to, if not the same as these stations. Another source of interest is in the J.P.O’Dea Collection in the National Photo Archive in the Temple Bar. In this collection’s catalogue there are two photos the Dublin section. These are listed as “Howth Road”. In the absence of actual photos of Clontarf station which I know of I hope that this will be of help.

    • #725140

      Interesting that the picket fencing was standard even then – I thought this was just an Iarnrod twee country-cottage invention (considering at Laytown the uprights are supported with a galvanised steel frame!)

      Passed the bridge at Donabate today, its so attractive, very delicate and transparent – the same as Rush and Lusk but in better condition.

      At Donabate there is a horrible vast expanse of glaring PVC window with the obligatory ‘Georgian’ plastic grid clamped between the panes. There’s also lots of PVC at Skerries which originally had beautiful sashes. IR engaged in nasty double-standards in this regard – scouping up its own heritage awards for the likes of Dundalk whilst simultaneously removing the original windows from it’s ‘lesser’ stations.
      The larger stations always survived better simply because it cost to much to meddle around with them.

    • #725141
      David Chambers

      I agree with you about tacky PVC at Donabate. It is a similar story with Howth signal cabin. Has anyone seen the interior of the footbridge at Dunalk station? It would make one vomit. It has been painted with the colours used in the new “COMMUTER” livery as applied to the railcars. It a repeat of the nonsense of the 1980’s when CIÉ painted the platform 5 facade in Connolly in DART green.

    • #725142

      I still can’t belive this is staying – I thought it was an undercoat for about two weeks!
      Its truly, truly unbeliveable – not least considering the station is otherwise painted with an elegant deep green.

    • #725143
      David Chambers

      For those curious about railways in the Clontarf area I will fill them in this.

      I will start with the bridge over East Wall Road which has been constructed with an extra third (depot approach) track, as well as the running lines and headshunt. When the Dublin and Drogheda Railway was constructed in the 1840s, a stone arch bridge was built over East Wall Road. It was blown up in 1923 during the Civil War. The replacement lattice girder bridge was washed away in a flood in 1954. A reinforced concrete bridge replaced this and was widened with advent of DART. Immediately north of this is the Dublin Port Tunnel. There is a middle single arch bridge approximately where the platforms used by DART drivers are. It is difficult to locate this bridge as the area around it has been filled in. Just north of Clontarf Road station is the Skew Bridge, a famous local landmark. It is also quite a remarkable piece of engineering. Early in the twentieth century the sea went under the arch nearest Clontarf Road station, the other arch accommoding the road with a tramline. I imagine that the Middle Arch and East Wall Road bridges were carbon copies of the Skew Bridge. The next underbridge after this is Howth Road. Immediately north of this bridge, where there are signals on either side of the line was Clontarf [GNR(I)] station. As I have metioned before, the gate piers for access to this station are still there at road level, with the GNR(I) polychrome brick dwelling on the Up side.

      At Killester there was a typical GNR(I) signal cabin, just south of Collins Avenue overbridge.

      Other buildings of railway/tram interest in this suburb is Clontarf Bus Garage, formerly the tramsheds. The tramsheds are still there though converted for bus use. These originally had a redbrick facade with typical decorative Victorian brickwork. I understand that CIÉ covered over this with a 1970s brick facade. At the back of the tramsheds are cottages built for tram workers with typical Victorian “railway” architecture. The tramline opened in 1898 and closed in 1941.

      I note from an RPSI e-mail that it is proposed to reopen Dunleer and open a new station at Newfoundwell/ Drogheda. It mentions nothing about Castlebellingham.

      Graham, I that the above will be of interest.

    • #725144

      There’s only a totally over-grown platform left at Castlebelligham, not even any buildings, very spooky to see it now – hardly noticable.

      Dunleer is very much intact – I too heard of its proposed re-opening – esp with that disgusting rezoning decision made recently for the area.

      There’s also a new station to be built just before Howth Junction I think, just on the outskirts of the city – there’s a massive housing dev planned for around it. There’s signs up along the track for commuters to see.

    • #725145
      David Chambers

      The new station north of Howth Junction is provisionally referred to as Grange Road which will be at milepost 5 3/4. It will have four platforms and have a track layout similar to Belfast Central (an architectural disaster of the 1970s). I understand that Bayside on the Howth branch, long a haunt for local guerriers will be rebuilt under the DASH plan.

    • #725146

      Four platforms? But there’s only 1 line! Do they still want to branch to the airport from this line? I live quite close, so any other details would be appreciated.

      I recently read an article about the new development — dubbed “Stapolin Village” — in this area. Apparently, the chief planner is some Swedish guy who’s been kind enough to leave a large portion of it as coastal parks and open spaces, as well as medium density, medium rise apartments and offices.

    • #725147
      David Chambers

      Regarding Grange Road station it will be an integrated transport terminal. It will be possible to change onto bus (but not tram) and it will have a taxi rank.

      Regarding bridges on this line the pedestrian overbridge at Killbarrack with the spiralling “sliproad like” approaches featured in some 2000 edition of the “Irish Architect”. It is also worth noting that this bridge can accommoate quadruple track, like Collins Avenue and Brookwood Avenue overbridges.

    • #725148

      Like this bridge, very architectural.

      Which is more than can be said for the housing around it – I think red and brick are the only words necessary to evoke the standard shudders.

    • #725149


      Sorry to return to the original point after the discussion has moved on. But the reason for the confusion at Dundalk is possibly down to the following.

      Railways in Ireland developed organically, for example a Dublin Belfast railway was not built, but rather a Dublin-Drogheda and a Belfast-Armagh. In the intervening decades these lines linked up.

      At a certain unknown time Dundalk became the rail hub for its region (coincidentaly recognized in the award of its current gateway Status) with a branch lines serving the entire North East including places such as Monaghan Cavan and onward connections to Armagh and Mid-Ulster.

      For this reason a simple two platform station at the midpoint of its existing line was insufficient. As it was also a major junction in the same way that Crewe still is in the UK.

      As these lines are now closed it is a grander station than would be required today.

    • #725150

      Very true – and of course Greenore was a major port in the 19th century, and a holiday destination for the Edwardians, and was also served by the station.
      Its fantastic today then that the largest town in the country has such a befitting station – contrasting markedly with Drogheda’s situation.

    • #725151

      So True
      It is interesting that you mention Greenore, as it was Irelands first containerised port back in the early 1960’s. It is unfortunate that this branch line was closed prior to the unions in Dublin refusing to implement this then new technology.

      Perhaps the Dundalk area could have taken on the freight functions that went to Larne over the next three decades.

    • #725152
      David Chambers

      There is one detail about Dundalk Clark which I find to be of interest. Immediately south of the Carrickmacross Road bridge on the Down side there is a limestone retaining wall with a line of two courses of the GNR(I)’s famous trademark yellow brick. This wall has coping stones and is a typical railway structure. There is the same detail on the former Hill of Howth tramline next to Howth railway station. These yellow bricks follow an imaginary line which would be the same as the level of a bridge deck. This type of feature occurs a lot on railway structures, especially those built in the Victorian era. Could anyone enlighten me on this?

    • #725153

      I just found this article, it seems that this board isn’t the only place where the station is appreciated:




      Women Station Managers dominate InterCity category

      Westport Station achieved an unprecedented hat-trick in the twelfth annual Waterford Wedgwood-sponsored Iarnród Éireann Best Station Awards today. The County Mayo station was named Best Overall Station on the Iarnród Éireann network, and also collected the prestigious Heritage Award, along with Best InterCity Station. The awards took place at Dublinia in Christchurch today, and were presented by Minister for Transport Seamus Brennan TD.

      The Waterford Wedgwood Iarnród Éireann Best Station Awards reward excellence in customer facilities, cleanliness, innovation and customer service in the country’s 134 railway stations, with Westport scoring highly in all categories.

      Westport Station Manager Ann Elliott proudly collected two magnificent Waterford Crystal sculptures for the station, of an Iarnród Éireann locomotive as part of the prize for winning the Best Overall Station title, and of the Steam Locomotive Maedhbh for the Heritage Award, a title awarded to the Station which makes a major contribution to the preservation of the railway’s unique heritage. Ann had her arms full as she also collected a Wedgwood Bone China pieces specially designed for these awards for winning Best Intercity Station.

      The judges were fulsome in their praise for the station team in Westport, saying the staff at Westport had shown the “ hard work, dedication and attention to detail that is necessary to capture this award.” Adding that the station overall was “a fine example of excellence”. For the Heritage Award, Westport was singled out as station staff led by Ann researched and gathered artefacts and photographs on the old Achill line, building an impressive museum facility within the former waiting room which served the Achill trains.

      Ann was also part of a unique achievement by woman Station Managers in the Best InterCity Station category. With Westport winning the category, Ann Breslin of Tullamore collected the runner-up prize, with third place going to Athlone, managed by Margaret Larkin.

      In other awards, Dundalk Station picked up the award for Best Major Station for the second year running. The station also received second prize for the Heritage Award, which they won last year. Dundalk Stationmaster Brendan McQuaid, who accepted the awards, represented the station. Best DART Station went to Grand Canal Dock with Jonathan Keely on hand to receive the award.

      Skerries continued their domination of the Best Suburban Halt, receiving that award for an incredible eighth year in a row. Nicky Martin, Haltkeeper of Skerries Station received the prestigious award. Skerries record is unmatched in the awards, and reflects its high standards as a station. Also in the commuter area, Hazelhatch and Celbridge was presented with Best Unmanned Halt, collected by Patricia Bermingham, who looks after the station.

      Westport wasn’t the only Mayo station to excel – Claremorris received the Community Involvement award for the involvement of the local Gael Scoil in producing wonderful murals and Dolores Keaveney was presented with the award. Castlebar was named Best InterCity Halt for the seventh year in a row, and Noel Hoban made the familiar walk to receive the award.

      Arklow won this year’s Innovation Award. This is a highly competitive category and is a great achievement for the station. The station impressed the judges with the clear information, notices of services and facilities available in the station. John Redmond and Tommy Nolan accepted the award. Mullingar Station picked up the award for the Best Floral Display. Frank Harkin, Station Manager of Mullingar picked up the award for the station.

      Finally, Boyle Station won the Best Staff Effort award, collected by Station Manager PJ Browne in his retirement year. A longtime standard bearer at these awards, it was fitting that PJ marked his swansong with yet another win, after 50 years dedicated service.


      First Prize – Dundalk

      Second Prize – Drogheda

      Most Improved – Galway


      First Prize – Westport

      Second Prize – Tullamore

      Third Prize – Athlone

      Most Improved – Ennis


      First Prize – Louis Mongan Award – Castlebar

      Second Prize – Ballymote

      Third Prize – Athenry

      Most Improved – Ballybrophy


      First Prize – Grand Canal Dock

      Second Prize – Sandymount

      Third Prize – Booterstown

      Most Improved – Howth Junction


      First Prize – Skerries

      Second Prize – Drumcondra

      Most Improved – Leixlip Louisa Bridge

      First Prize – Hazelhatch

      Second Prize – Collooney

      Third Prize – Cahir

      Most Improved – Kilcock



      INNOVATION – Arklow


      Winner – Westport

      Runner-Up – Dundalk


    • #725154

      Best Unmanned Halt Hazelhatch, pipping Collooney to the post? I disagree. Collooney would get my vote any day (I use Hazelhatch to get to and from work).

    • #725155

      It does look a little windswept alright


    • #725156
      Rory W

      @Graham Hickey wrote:

      Its fantastic today then that the largest town in the country has such a befitting station – contrasting markedly with Drogheda’s situation.

      Pedant’s corner returns – Drogheda is bigger than Dundalk (by population) Dundalk just happens to get the goodies more (something to do with the government TD’s being located there?!?!)

    • #725157

      Ahem 🙂 :


      The size of Drogheda is highly questionable given the acres of housing swamping the place, a lot of which presumably is loosely termed Drogheda.
      As a compact town unit Dundalk was the larger of the two, and probably still is. This was posted a year and a half ago before Drogheda was completely overrun with Dubliners…

      Nice to see they’ve won again this year 🙂

    • #725158

      As for goodies – a swimming pool after 30 years maybe? 🙂

    • #725159
      Rory W

      According to the local paper – the figures issued to the NSS people forgot a couple of thousand people and also excluded “Drogheda Co Meath” the bits of Drogheda just over the border into Co Meath such as the huge Grange Rath Estate which has about 500 houses! Which meant that Drogheda had a few hundred more (Dubs no doubt – myself included) than Dundalk 🙂

      Ah Goodies – Third Level College, New Fire Station, Co Co Headquarters, Upgraded Shopping Street, Bypass that will be untolled – I could go on… True were getting a new Pool but only because the roof fell in on the other one.

      And we’re finally getting decent shopping centres at the end of the year 😀

    • #725160

      Dundalk’s new one will be better though – we’ve more parking spaces than you 🙂

      Yeah okay the college, and the bypass – but the council offices :rolleyes: – you can have em…


    • #725161
      Rory W

      @Graham Hickey wrote:

      Dundalk’s new one will be better though – we’ve more parking spaces than you 🙂

      Yeah okay the college, and the bypass – but the council offices :rolleyes: – you can have em…


      Fire station architecture at its best 😉

    • #725162

      Pretty manky alright, but what do people think about Dundalk Railway Station getting an award did it deserve it?

    • #725163

      Maintenance-wise they are excellent, both for everyday services as well as on structural & decorative issues.
      So much so, it seems all brassware in the station must be cleaned every morning before 8 o’clock, such is the dedication apparent.
      Also the white painted parts of the columns are regularly painted – keeping the whole scheme fresh without having to do all the green which is clever – you can even see the glow of it in the pic below.

      That dodgy Commuter paintwork mentioned before was a low point alright but it has since been painted over – still incorrectly though: this time in DART green :rolleyes:.Third time lucky perhaps…

      A lovely lovely station though – classic model railway architecture :):

    • #725164
      Paul Clerkin

      I loved using Dundalk Station when I worked there – a lovely building and quite peaceful but maybe it was because I was leaving the town 😉 – I must post my shots of the GNR Merlin using the station. Got some nice ones with lots of steam and smoke

    • #725165
      Paul Clerkin

      actually when I think of it, i have a wonderfully evocative one of the same engine in Connolly…. will post tonight

    • #725166

      @Paul Clerkin wrote:

      actually when I think of it, i have a wonderfully evocative one of the same engine in Connolly…. will post tonight

      Are you confessing to being a trainspotter 😀

    • #725167
      Paul Clerkin

      nope – only ever had one steam train trip and it was a birthday present so there

    • #725168

      The train or the trip? 🙂

      Here’s a (bad) view of its magnificent glazed canopy and the toytown chimneys :):

      Also some detail of the polychromatic brickwork, including custom-made granite cills and delightful little cast iron ventilation grills along the skirting of the building; they could’ve used cheap bricks but they went way-out with these 🙂
      The windows are also great – even if they are a pain to maintain:

    • #725169

      Skerries named Ireland’s best station
      Tuesday, 20th March, 2007

      The prize for best railway station in Ireland has been awarded to Skerries, Co Dublin.

      The winners of the Best Railway Station Awards were announced in Croke Park today.

      The awards, in their 15th year, judge Ireland’s 135 railway stations in terms of facilities, cleanliness, innovation and customer service.

      It is the second time Skerries has won the overall Best Station Award, having won the top prize in 2000.

      It also retained its Best Suburban Station title, which it has now won for 11 years in a row.

      The northeast did particularly well in the awards, with Drogheda and Dundalk, Co Louth, coming first and second respectively in the Major Stations category.

      Skerries and Donabate topping the list of Best Suburban Halts and Balbriggan being named the best improved.

      Arklow in Co Wexford beat Westport, Co Mayo, into second place to take the Best Intercity Station section. Castlebar, Carrick-on-Shannon and Roscommon topped the list of Best Intercity Stops.

      Greystones was named the Best Dart Station, followed by Bray and Malahide. Sandymount was singled out for being the best improved stop on the line.

      Wicklow station won the Innovation Award, while Arklow’s staff were deemed to have made the best effort over the past year.

      Mallow was awarded top prize in two categories – the Mary Linehan Floral Display category and the Heritage Awards. Rosslare Station place second in the heritage category.

      Another award for the station

    • #725170
      Paul Clerkin

      For more information on the built heritage of the Dundalk – Greenore line

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